New fintech to power regional economies


Our mission is to activate regional economies and initiatives with regional savings and investors.

Due to low interest rates, bankers no longer finance small to medium sized businesses (SMEs). Due to availability of global investment platforms, investors can find value globally but find few opportunities regionally. The corona virus pandemic also has laid waste to regional economies this while demand is bound to pick up post-virus.

It’s a perfect storm that we’re entering BVNet with: a platform that connects investors to initiatives in their own area. Together, BVNet members can restart, refund and power up the regional economy.


A rebalanced economy where regional businesses connect with internet technologies to regional investors and partners.

We foresee an economy where regional actors work together through the BVNet fintech platform and build a fundamentally sound economic basis for their own region.

Value, need and risk can be assessed and shared collaboratively through the platform. Businesses can be structured, funded and executed together with regional expertise and stakeholders.


Our network of venture capital firms stands ready to serve

If your company is ready to expand into new markets or internationally and requires venture capital, get in touch. If we have faith in your business we can help you pitch to local VC firms.